Our Services

Our Equity Research provides insightful analysis and actionable research recommendations in a diverse range of companies listed on the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE).


We provide extensive coverage in a broad range of sectors and companies that account for 85% of the ASE market capitalization. We continue to expand our coverage universe catering for the needs of our clients.

Our research products include:

  • Daily Greek Commentary
  • Company & Industry Reports
  • Greek Equity Strategy

We conduct numerous meetings with institutional investors and organize company roadshows as well as reverse roadshows to keep our clients up-to-date with developments in the Greek corporate, political and macroeconomic environment.

How to access our Research

Research material is available only to our clients.

For institutional clients, please access our research on Bloomberg (NBGS), or contact your sales representative.

For retail clients, please log in to our
trading site
or contact your sales representative.

For prospect clients, please contact us at: [email protected].